One Day Excursion with Alkor

As a marine science student maybe it isn't being a new thing to observe and take the data of physical variable on the sea such as conductivity, temperature, and depth using CTD because I already got it and always use it since my Bachelor (remained me to Oceanography subject and all the lectures Pak Purba, Pak Wayan, Pak Tri, PAk Natih, Pak Agus, Pak Alan, Bang Tri). And the location, It always be in the same place "Palabuhan Ratu Bay" every year. But until now, I didn't remember what are exactly the result for those of observation despite repeated every year...huhuuuuuu hahahahahaa... At least that was the interesting part of Oceanography field trip, put down the CTD and took it out using the long rope from the trench manually. So much fun and memories.... Thanks to ITK who give me so many knowledge and experiences!!

And today " 2nd November 2016" is excursion day with Alkor, one of marine research vessels of Geomar.
We started from Kiel Fjord and sailed to Baltik Sea. We do the same thing, and also did the sampling of the macrobentos using the grab and dredge. That's also not the new thing....But for me it was a great experience because we have to sail in the cold weather, take the sample from cold water, and survive from the cold wind. I always work in the tropical sea and hot weather but now i could feel how was working in this kind of environment.

 Sunrise in Kiel Fjord

Working group in the deck with the dredge
 Sample preparation

Putting the dredge on the sea

 From the top of Alkor


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