
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016

One Day Excursion with Alkor

As a marine science student maybe it isn't being a new thing to observe and take the data of physical variable on the sea such as conductivity, temperature, and depth using CTD because I already got it and always use it since my Bachelor (remained me to Oceanography subject and all the lectures Pak Purba, Pak Wayan, Pak Tri, PAk Natih, Pak Agus, Pak Alan, Bang Tri). And the location, It always be in the same place "Palabuhan Ratu Bay" every year. But until now, I didn't remember what are exactly the result for those of observation despite repeated every year...huhuuuuuu hahahahahaa... At least that was the interesting part of Oceanography field trip, put down the CTD and took it out using the long rope from the trench manually. So much fun and memories.... Thanks to ITK who give me so many knowledge and experiences!! And today " 2nd November 2016" is excursion day with Alkor, one of marine research vessels of Geomar. We started from Kiel Fjord and s...

30 Hari di Deutschland

Salah satu dari deretan keinginan yang ada di buku mimpi adalah bisa menginjakan kaki di Benua Eropa, well finally tahun 2016 ini membawa saya ke mimpi tersebut. Saya pun bisa “mencontreng” mimpi tersebut sekarang. Negara yang pertama dikunjungi adalah Jerman yang konon katanya banyak melahirkan ilmuan-ilmuan dan peraih nobel di dunia. Bahkan persidan Indonesia yang ke-3 “B.J. Habibie” pun citranya sangat melekat dengan negara ini karena beliau seorang ilmuan genius Indonesia lulusan dari Jerman. Di Jerman, saya tinggal di sebuah home stay tepatnya di Kiel City, kota pelabuhan karena letaknya yang stategis dan dekat dengan Laut Baltik. Tujuan utama datang ke sini adalah untuk mengikuti “Research Project” yang diprakarsai oleh salah satu lembaga penelitian kelautan terbesar di Jerman, yaitu GEOMAR dan programnya dinamakan GAME (Global Approach by Modular Experiement). Program ini diikuti oleh beberapa negara di dunia seperti Jerman, Indonesia, Jepang, Chile, Spanyol, dan Portugal. ...

Oceanapia sagittaria, A Ball Sponge

Awesome , I found this cute object while snorkeling in several small islands at Kepulauan Seribu, Jakata . I wonder what exactly this object because of its unique and striking colors among the seagrass and macro algae bad in sand substrate . I'm trying to figure out its classification in several books and website , it includes sponge genera that symbiotic and grow in seagrass or corals ecosystem . Sometimes grow on coral rubble .   Oceanapia sagittaria grow in seagrass and macroalgae bed  Together with other sponge species Oceanapia sagittaria , a beautiful sponge species with a distinct, a deep maroon to bright pink color, translucent structure on the top of their stalk (5-10 cm in height). The main body is buried in soft sediment. Small delicate prickly ball about 1-2 cm in diameter, on a short conical stem (called the capitate structure). The ball has fine sheets between the prickles. The capitate structure is where the w...